How Agents and Developers Can Use EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate Forecasting

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate Forecasting (AREF): An Overview

How-Agents-and-Developers-Can-Use-EnterpriseOne-Advanced-Real-Estate-Forecasting-600-×-375-pxJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Project Costing offers a customized view of the initial budget amounts, current costs, ongoing projects and obligations, final cost forecasts, and progress data for each project. It also provides real-time, in-depth visibility into all project expenses and billing.

As a result, developers and agents can reap benefits, such as:

  • Integrated solutions: All data regarding purchasing, selling, and development are managed using a single solution instead of spread across disparate systems.
  • Increased return on investment: The time you save with unified system gives you better ROI on not only your software but also for each project. The analytics you can produce in a matter of moments make it easy to discover new revenue opportunities.
  • Quicker and more accurate real estate forecasting and budgeting: Because EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate Forecasting provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand data and analytics, creating forecasts and budgets are significantly faster.
  • Highly available budget and forecast information: With AREF, there’s no need to scramble between multiple spreadsheets and documents to come up with the figures you because need all the data is just a few clicks away.
  • Improved staff productivity: Your staff can save considerable time because the AREF system automates some of their most arduous tasks. As a result, they’re free to invest their energies into other business-critical activities.

How EnterpriseOne AREF Streamlines Real Estate Forecasting, Budgeting, and Management

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne AREF can transform several core processes for agents and developers. Not only does it help you keep track of costs related to each of your investments and projects, but it also gives you tools specifically designed to streamline a variety of management tasks.

Job and Cost Forecasting

You can use AREF’s job and cost forecasting feature to precisely calculate the expected final amounts and units associated with a given job, as well as create formulas you can apply to future jobs, as well as make predictions.

You also have the ability to view point-in-time financial information, including data pertaining to ongoing jobs and budgets. In addition, you have the power to determine the specific project tasks that still need to be completed, making it easier to organize your workforce.

Contract and Service Billing

By leveraging AREF’s contract and service billing features, you get the flexibility to take into account the various conditions and procedures these processes involve. As a result, you have the ability to accurately calculate your financial obligations according to business rules you set up in advance.

Advanced Contract Billing

By automating and controlling billing procedures, EnterpriseOne’s advanced contract billing functions boosts cash flow and optimizes the profitability of each project. With this feature, you can handle both private and public contracts, accounting for a wide variety of clauses and stipulations.

Homebuilder Management

EnterpriseOne’s AREF also empowers you to manage, organize, communicate, and assess profitability across the home-building cycle. You can also adjust how the system collects and presents data according to different types of projects or whether they’re in the public or private sector.

Change Management

With JDE’s AREF change management function, you get a flexible framework of linked applications that enables you to design a change management procedure that works for the organization. As the requests move through your organization's approval process, AREF makes it easy to keep track of each change that happens.

Make the Most of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne with GSI

The JD Edwards experts at GSI are masters at custom-designing EnterpriseOne AREF features to support the business models of individual developers and agents. With GSI JD Edwards services on your side, onboarding AREF is quick and comprehensive, giving you the automation you need to maximize revenues while minimizing the time you invest managing your business. Touch base with GSI today to see how.