JD Edwards Item Ledger – Your Top 5 Questions Answered!

JD Edwards Item Ledger – Your Top 5 Questions Answered!

JD Edwards Item LedgerThe JD Edwards item ledger, table F4111 and is often referred to as “The Cardex”, contains transaction history for items in the inventory system. All transactions that impact an items quantity on hand are recorded, including receipts, transfers, sales shipments, material issues and completions and more. In this article, I would like to share some facts in response to questions I receive frequently:

1. Does the JD Edwards item ledger contain inventory balances? – No. The item ledger only contains transactional data. You would need to summarize all (well most. You need to eliminate posting code ‘X’. See next question.) of the transactions to obtain the total from this table. The balance for each item is contained in table F41021.

2. What do the posting codes in the F4111 table mean? – The posting code in F4111 is column ILIPCD. There are 4 possible values (blank, ‘Y’,’S’,’X’)

    • Blank - This is the initial value for all qualifying transactions. It is also used for IB transactions created on an item add.
    • Y - Posted by the Item Ledger As Of Record Generation (R41542) program to the Item ASOF (F41112) file.
    • S - The value of inventory has yet to be impacted by the Transaction – e.g. Ship confirmed transaction before running Sales update or IM Document Type before Manufacturing Accounting.
    • X - The transaction was a movement of inventory only that had no effect on the G/L – e.g. IZ transaction created on a change of Lot Status.

3. How can I tell what date the transaction was entered into the system? – This is a tricky one! There are 2 dates in the JD Edwards item ledger to consider:

    • Transaction date – Typically you would use this date to answer the question, but since the transaction date is available on some transaction screens, it may have been overridden by the user. In fact, I have run across business processes that required transactions be backdated. It is also common to find data entry errors.
    • Creation date – This date represents the date the transaction appeared in the item ledger table. It is much more reliable than the transaction date with 1 notable exception. If you have global item update enabled, and you change the second or third item number, all item ledger records for that item will have their creation date updated to the change date! This is rare but must be considered.

So, to answer the question I would use the creation date, but there is no 100% reliable way to obtain this information.

4. Is there a way to tell which DMAAI’s were used during the transaction? – No. You can assume based on the company, document type, GL class code and knowledge of how transaction processing works, but there is no way to get this information directly from the table.

5. Should the sum of the item ledger table always add up to the total that’s in the item balance table? – Yes, yes, and yes! With the following considerations:

    • All transactions with the posting code of ‘X’ are removed from the calculation.
    • The transaction quantity is stated in the item's current primary unit of measure.
    • The item ledger table has not been purged without leaving a balance forward record.
    • No item conversion factors have been removed from the system.
    • Any changes to an items primary unit of measure were done using recommended procedures.

That’s all for this edition folks. Until next month, happy reconciling!