Migration from World to EnterpriseOne, Web-Based Interfaces

12440500 1056060814425345 5986719285799865517 oMark P. Andrzejewski, World Practice Lead

Oh, what a tangled web we weave... Sorry, could not resist the temptation. Probably the biggest user issue between World and EnterpriseOne is the user interface. The highly interactive web-based interface of EnterpriseOne seems to be a major change for most folks. World customers have tried various web interfaces for World, i.e. WorldVision, JWalk, etc., however those have never really proved to be viable productive interfaces.

With EnterpriseOne the user interface is 100% web-delivered. This delivery is accomplished with what should come as no surprise, multiple options. The architecture of EnterpriseOne lends itself to flexibility and options. For example, just as you have your choice of platform for other pieces, the same holds true for the Web-Tier options in your migration plans. These Web-Tier options become part of what we generically refer to as the "stack". Traditionally its either "Red-Stack (all Oracle) or"Blue-Stack" (all IBM). Another option is "Purple-Stack" or IBM for the backend with the Linux/Windows WebLogic server for the web-tier.

I generally prefer Oracle's WebLogic over IBM WebSphere for a number of reasons, mainly ease of use and administration. The software presents itself exactly the same way with either IBM WebSphere or WebLogic; however, from an ease of administrative standpoint and finding talent with skills set needed to support the web-tier, it is generally easier to find WebLogic resources. I recommend using the Intel/WebLogic approach since it's easier to stand up additional web components quickly as your user load changes or you need high availability options.

Having IBM WebSphere on the IBM i appears generally not as flexible depending on your initial sizing and overall CPW available. Granted, you can run IBM WebSphere on Linux/Windows as well however again it becomes a matter of support. Ultimately if you are a IBM WebSphere shop using it for other applications in your organization, then IBM WebSphere is probably the way to go, however if JAS servers are net new to your organization, WebLogic should really be strongly considered. Either way, as you plan your migration it's all about options. Stay tuned next month, we will change subjects and talk about using managed services for supporting your World implementation.

If you have any questions about JD Edwards World, please email us at inquiries@getgsi.com.