Message Boards, PSS and News Feeds


Message Boards, PSS and News Feeds

Jimmy Morales, Consultant


Question: Can I use OpenAir for more than a PSA tool for functions such as project communication, alerts, or high-level analysis?

Answer: Yes! Leveraging Message Boards, Project Status Summary (PSS), and News Feed, OpenAir can be a one-stop-shop for project management.

Message Boards

At the Project Management Dashboard, you can create Message Boards for all team-members to see when they land on the Project page.  Message boards are useful for important reminders or project alerts.


Project Status Summary

The Project Status Summary is the link that appears at the Project level:


Using this link, you can display various portlets which will provide high-level snapshot information about project transactions. You can set filters to define what is relevant to your team, or switch to “Client View” which allows you to hide or show values that a Client should see:


Project News Feed

Finally, the Project News Feed allows you to create even more customized alerts and notifications for project progress. Using the bell icon, you can access the News Feed where you may create or edit existing updates:


The Project News Feed will appear once you click this and you may further use the green “ + “ icon to create updates. These updates support formatting, so you may include icons, hyperlinks, email shortcuts and categorize the updates to prioritize them:
