World to EnterpriseOne, It's All About Options

11015932 897551233609638 3438722099157527033 nMark P. Andrzejewski, World Practice Lead

It's all about options... World A9.4, released earlier this year, brought several long-awaited enhancements. The single most talked about enhancement is the new Expense Management module that allows companies to manage expenses within JD Edwards.

Expense entry is straight forward and the built-in approval workflow and reporting are great features that make this new module an option for those customers looking at a third party solution for implementing expense management. Looking forward to FASB changes, A9.4 offers new tax files in Accounts Payable and Receivable. These enhancements allow for more reporting options. There are even changes to the F0911 General Ledger file tucked away in this release. Several enhancements to security and roles help round out the enhancements in this release.

Moving to A9.4 in my opinion, should be the World customer's final major release prior to migration to EnterpriseOne. Moving to A9.4 now extends the support runway out far enough, giving folks time to plan and execute their migration. Having the option to upgrade to EnterpriseOne has been available to most World customers for a very long time. Many have chosen to exercise the option and a few remain. Although A9.4 does not currently have a direct migration path, moving to EnterpriseOne is still an option through a step migration.

Those customers on A9.x release of the software need to determine their overall strategy and develop a plan that gives their organization the greatest number of options to ensure their investment in Oracle JD Edwards is leveraged to its maximum potential, whether that be in the form of and upgrade to World A9.4 or migration to EnterpriseOne. Stay tuned for next month's column where we will talk about the web-tier options for folks migrating to EnterpriseOne.

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