The New Frontier: Top 10 Emerging Cybersecurity Threats for 2024 & Beyond


Top 10 Emerging Cybersecurity Threats-min


Uncharted Digital Waters -  Preparing for the Evolving Landscape of Cyber Threats in the Next Decade

In today's fast-paced digital world, the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity poses a multitude of intricate and diverse risks. From sophisticated ransomware attacks to the infiltration of supply chains and the exploitation of artificial intelligence, emerging threats have made the cybersecurity landscape more complex and perilous than ever before.

While technology drives innovation and efficiency, it also exposes potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited. As a result, cybersecurity professionals face the daunting task of anticipating, preventing, and responding to these ever-changing and evolving threats.

Let's delve into the top 10 emerging dangers that demand our attention.

1. Supply Chain Software Attacks

Cybercriminals have found a sneaky way to infiltrate organizations by targeting their supply chain through trusted vendors and suppliers. They exploit this indirect route by infecting software updates or injecting malicious code into software causing widespread breaches. In one incident, SolarWinds fell victim to a devastating cyber-attack that saw hackers injecting malicious code into their widely-used Orion software. As a result, an astounding 18,000 of SolarWinds' customers were affected when an update containing the injected code was deployed. This cyber-attack had far-reaching consequences, impacting numerous organizations and government agencies worldwide.

As the demand for faster software release cycles and the reliance on open-source libraries continue to grow, the vulnerability of supply chains is expected to worsen. With component-based programming becoming more prevalent, code reuse, APIs and reliance on open-source libraries bring efficiency but also introduce unforeseen vulnerabilities. Malicious actors can exploit these vulnerabilities by manipulating software dependencies and development tools, such as open-source libraries, to gain initial access and eventually infiltrate targeted organizations. Additionally, physical tampering with hardware is also a possibility. These attacks have far-reaching implications for global supply chains.

To effectively combat supply chain software attacks, organizations should implement a comprehensive strategy. This includes maintaining a detailed inventory of software components through a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), using application software testing tools, implementing strict access controls, and prioritizing secure software development practices. Additionally, regular software updates, multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and robust backups should be emphasized. Employee awareness training and thorough assessments of third-party vendors are also crucial in fortifying defenses. Taking a proactive approach, such as implementing a tested incident response plan and continuously monitoring threats, will further strengthen protection against potential cyber threats in the supply chain.

2. Third-Party Contractor Breaches

As the reliance on third parties and independent contractors continues to grow, the threat of third-party breaches becomes even more significant. Cybercriminals can exploit less-protected networks belonging to these third parties, which often have privileged access to the hacker's main target.

This issue is exacerbated by the shift to remote work, as organizations are more willing to hire freelancers and work with dispersed teams.  However, this remote and decentralized workforce presents security challenges, as hackers find it easier to take advantage of people in these settings.  CyberArk notes that 96% of organizations grant external parties access to critical systems, potentially providing hackers with an unprotected route to their data.

To prevent breaches, organizations should vet and monitor external partners, conduct security assessments, integrate cybersecurity clauses in contracts, enforce access controls, and provide training. Multi-factor authentication and threat intelligence help mitigate risks.

3. Emerging Threats from Artificial Intelligence

As the world of cybersecurity evolves, attackers are harnessing the power of AI for their malicious purposes. No longer limited to defenders, AI-driven cyberattacks present a diverse range of threats that pose significant challenges. AI-powered malware, for instance, can cleverly adapt to avoid detection, identify vulnerable targets, and tailor attack methods, putting traditional cybersecurity defenses to the test.

Adversarial attacks exploit AI vulnerabilities by manipulating algorithms to produce inaccurate results, leading to potential system compromise and data breaches. Moreover, AI models heavily rely on training data, which can be manipulated during the training phase to introduce biases or vulnerabilities, a technique known as data poisoning. The emergence of deepfakes and identity manipulation further exacerbates the threat landscape, as they have the potential to deceive individuals, paving the way for social engineering attacks and the dissemination of disinformation.

As the threat of AI continues to grow, organizations must remain vigilant and adapt their cybersecurity strategies accordingly. Staying updated on emerging AI-related threats with AI-specific threat intelligence is essential to prevent AI breaches. Additionally, leveraging AI itself to defend against AI attacks is a smart approach.  AI-driven intrusion detection systems have the capability to identify and counteract malicious patterns at a much faster rate than traditional systems.

4. Cloud Security Challenges

Cloud technology has completely transformed the business landscape, offering unmatched scalability and adaptability. However, alongside these advantages, organizations face distinctive cybersecurity obstacles that demand attention to safeguard their valuable digital assets. Shockingly, IBM reports a staggering 150% surge in vulnerabilities within cloud systems over the past five years.

Data breaches remain a major concern in cloud environments. Misconfigured permissions, inadequate access controls, and vulnerabilities in cloud providers' infrastructure can expose sensitive data to unauthorized parties. Despite the robust infrastructure provided by the cloud, the risk of data loss also looms large. Whether it's accidental deletion, provider outages, or disruptions, the consequences can be dire, resulting in permanent data loss. 

In one data breach, an anonymous Chinese software developer managed to clandestinely scrape user information from Alibaba's popular Chinese shopping website, Taobao, exposing a staggering amount of over 1.1 billion user data pieces.

APIs serve as the key to unlocking the potential of cloud services, making their security paramount. When APIs are insecure, they become a vulnerable entry point for attackers to breach systems, manipulate data, and carry out malicious attacks.

The limitations of traditional security tools can result in inadequate visibility within cloud environments, creating blind spots that hinder effective detection and response to threats. To overcome this challenge, organizations should consider investing in cloud-native security solutions that offer real-time insights into the activities occurring within the cloud. To defend against cloud cyber-attacks, organizations should also adopt a zero-trust architecture, prioritize access control through IAM and MFA, encrypt data, regularly back up data, use endpoint and network security measures, review security configurations, update and patch systems, secure APIs, have an incident response plan, and conduct security audits.

5. Skill Shortages

The shortage of cybersecurity professionals has significantly contributed to the rise in security breaches, and experts at ENISA do not anticipate this problem being resolved anytime soon. As a result, organizations that have unfilled cybersecurity positions will remain prime targets for criminals seeking vulnerabilities to exploit.

Organizations should consider leveraging the expertise of virtual Chief Information Security Officers (vCISOs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) from professional third-party services to effectively bridge the gap in their cybersecurity talent pool.

In addition, organizations must employ automation tools to streamline security operations, improve efficiency, and enhance real-time threat detection and response. Automated security solutions automate routine tasks, reducing human error and allowing for continuous monitoring, anomaly detection, and immediate alerts. Automation facilitates data integration and correlation, enabling effective identification of patterns, trends, and potential threats. Additionally, automation aids in incident response and remediation by accelerating response times and patching vulnerabilities in real-time. Automation tools are essential for proactive security and protecting valuable digital assets.

6. Misconfigurations

Even the most sophisticated security systems are likely to have at least one flaw in their installation and setup process. In a recent study conducted by cybersecurity software company Rapid7, it was found that 80% of external penetration tests encountered a misconfiguration that could be exploited. 

A notable incident of misconfiguration occurred with JIRA, a widely-used task-tracking and project management software developed by Atlassian. This misconfiguration resulted in a severe data leak, granting unauthorized access to internal user information, including names, email addresses, project details, and assignees. The consequences of this breach were significant, impacting numerous prominent companies from the Alexa and Fortune lists, as well as various government sectors worldwide. Esteemed organizations such as NASA, Google, Yahoo, and many others were among the affected clientele.

Security misconfigurations can arise when security settings are not properly implemented or when errors occur during deployment. These misconfigurations create vulnerabilities that can expose applications and their data to potential cyber-attacks or breaches. These errors can occur at various levels of the application stack, including web or application servers, databases, network services, custom code, development platforms and frameworks, storage, virtual machines, and cloud containers. To effectively protect against these vulnerabilities, organizations must prioritize regular testing, maintenance, and ongoing support to ensure the robustness of their cybersecurity measures.

7. Expanding Attack Surface

In today's fast-paced digital world, organizations are on the front lines of an ever-evolving battle against cyber threats that originate from the expanding attack surface, spanning both the digital and physical realms. The rapid growth of cloud computing, mobile applications, IoT devices, APIs, open-source code, remote work, bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies, and interconnected supply chains has created opportunities for sophisticated attacks and will continue to present new challenges in the future.

The attack surface in the digital realm includes hardware, software, applications, code, ports, servers, and websites that connect to an organization's network. It also involves the concept of shadow IT, where unauthorized applications or devices are used. On the other hand, the physical attack surface refers to endpoint devices like desktop computers, hard drives, laptops, mobile phones, and USB drives that an attacker can physically access. This includes instances of hardware being carelessly discarded, writing down passwords on paper, and physical break-ins.

In addition, shadow IT presents a real danger to organizations, as it increases the risk of data breaches. When employees use unauthorized applications or services, they often bypass the security protocols put in place by the company, leaving sensitive data vulnerable to hackers. A notable example of this occurred when Accenture, a renowned global professional services company, fell victim to a massive data breach. In this incident, employees stored confidential client data on an unsecured cloud storage platform, exposing millions of sensitive records, including passwords and decryption keys. This breach had the potential to allow unauthorized access to client information, emphasizing the need for robust security measures and the promotion of employee awareness to protect valuable assets.

To adapt to the evolving digital landscape, organizations must implement proactive security measures that go beyond traditional boundaries. This includes robust access controls, encryption, continuous monitoring, and employee education. By embracing an expanding attack surface and implementing comprehensive security measures, organizations can protect their valuable digital assets.

8. Zero-Day Exploits and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Zero-day exploits, which target undisclosed vulnerabilities, pose significant threats. Coupled with Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), sophisticated attackers can stealthily infiltrate networks, evading detection for prolonged periods, leading to data exfiltration and long-term damage.

Zero-day exploits are cyber-attacks that target software vulnerabilities that are unknown to the software vendor and antivirus vendors. These attacks occur when attackers discover a vulnerability before anyone has a chance to address it, quickly creating an exploit and using it to launch an attack. These types of attacks are highly successful because there are no existing defenses in place to prevent them. As a result, zero-day attacks pose a severe security threat.

An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a relentless and long-term cyber-attack that persistently seeks out vulnerabilities in a target's information systems with the intention of stealing valuable data or disrupting the target's operations. While individual APT attacks may not require advanced technical skills, the continuous and unyielding nature of the attack, combined with the attacker's ability to adapt and change tactics to avoid detection, makes APTs an exceptionally formidable threat.

In one instance of an APT breach, SolarWinds fell victim to a highly sophisticated cyber-attack orchestrated by malicious actors who infiltrated the company's infrastructure and distributed a malicious update for its widely used Orion monitoring product. This cunning tactic provided the attackers with unauthorized access to sensitive data stored within the networks of government agencies, corporations, and various organizations. The attack was notable for its intricate planning, unwavering persistence, and deliberate targeting. Its impact was far-reaching, affecting multiple U.S. government agencies and a multitude of private companies. While attributing the attack has proven challenging, U.S. government officials and cybersecurity experts have linked it to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), further underscoring the severity and implications of this cyber assault.

To safeguard against Zero-Day Exploits and APTs, organizations need a proactive strategy. They should regularly update software, use network segmentation, and employ intrusion detection systems. Leveraging threat intelligence feeds, behavior-based endpoint protection, and isolated sandboxes for suspicious files enhances security. Multi-factor authentication, regular data backups, and comprehensive employee training are crucial. An actionable incident response plan, adherence to a zero-trust model, continuous network monitoring, and collaborative threat intelligence sharing minimize risks.

9. Insider Threats

As organizations navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, the threat of insider attacks looms larger than ever. With the rise of remote work, complex IT environments, and reliance on contractors and temporary staff, the opportunities for malicious insiders to exploit sensitive information and systems are multiplying. These insider threats can come from employees, contractors, or even trusted partners who have access privileges. Whether intentional or inadvertent, their actions can lead to devastating consequences such as data breaches, intellectual property theft, and other malicious activities.

In a recent high-profile case, Capital One fell victim to an alarming insider threat. This breach occurred when a former software engineer, who had privileged access through their cloud service provider, Amazon Web Services (AWS), exploited a vulnerability in a misconfigured web application firewall. This allowed the perpetrator to gain unauthorized access to a staggering 100 million customer accounts and credit card applications. The implications of this breach were significant, highlighting the urgent need for organizations to address insider threats and bolster their security measures.

Compounding the risk is the fact that cybercriminals are constantly evolving their techniques and leveraging advanced technologies including AI to exploit vulnerabilities within organizations. This makes it increasingly challenging to detect and prevent insider threats. Inadequate employee training and lax user access management only exacerbate the problem, as employees may not fully grasp the potential risks associated with their access privileges.

To effectively address the growing concern of insider threats, organizations must adopt a comprehensive approach. This includes implementing strong access controls, allowlisting, continuous monitoring, user behavior analytics, and fostering a robust security culture. By prioritizing these measures, organizations can safeguard their sensitive information and systems from insider attacks, ensuring the security and resilience of their valuable digital assets.

10. Ransomware 2.0

Ransomware 2.0 signifies a major leap forward in the realm of cyber threats, taking the theft of sensitive information to unprecedented heights before locking files away. What adds an even more bone-chilling layer to this evolution is the introduction of a heightened danger by attackers who now threaten to expose or sell the stolen data unless payment is made. These tactics have intensified the severity of ransomware attacks. Moreover, the rise of Ransomware 2.0 transcends mere file encryption, as cybercriminals now set their sights on critical infrastructure and industrial control systems (ICS), posing immediate threats to vital services and national security.

A prominent case of Ransomware 2.0 targeted the Transform Hospital Group, a renowned weight loss and cosmetic surgery chain. In a calculated attack, the REvil hacker group managed to pilfer and encrypt a staggering 900 GB of data, which included highly sensitive pre- and post-operation patient photographs. To exacerbate the situation, the attackers brazenly threatened to expose this private information to the public, creating a distressing dilemma for the victimized organization.

These cybercriminals now use public embarrassment as a powerful weapon to coerce individuals and organizations into complying with their demands. The emergence of "extortionware" adds a harrowing dimension to ransomware attacks, potentially damaging a company's reputation and operations.

As ransomware keeps evolving at a rapid pace, constantly modifying its approaches to outsmart defense mechanisms, attackers are honing in on specialized, targeted attacks against organizations more likely to pay significant ransoms. Sectors such as healthcare, government, and finance are particularly vulnerable to these advanced and calculated assaults.

The future of ransomware is expected to bring even more sophisticated evasion techniques. With the utilization of artificial intelligence, machine learning, Ransomware-as-a Service (RaaS), and exploiting unknown vulnerabilities, attackers are likely to penetrate systems with enhanced efficiency and accuracy, making their attacks increasingly difficult to counter. The ever-evolving nature of these tactics highlights the necessity for organizations to remain vigilant, strengthen their defenses, and strive to stay one step ahead in the constantly shifting battlefield of ransomware threats.

To effectively protect against the relentless and sophisticated onslaught of Ransomware 2.0, organizations must adopt a proactive stance. This entails routinely safeguarding data in secure and secluded environments, deploying cutting-edge endpoint protection solutions, and employing robust email filters to foil phishing attempts. It is imperative to prioritize the timely updating of software, enabling multi-factor authentication for heightened security, and providing comprehensive employee awareness training to recognize and swiftly respond to potential threats. Moreover, segmenting networks to contain breaches, restricting user privileges to essential functions, and tightly controlling macros and remote access points like RDP are indispensable measures. By formulating a well-defined incident response plan and implementing continuous network monitoring, organizations can fortify their defenses and remain one step ahead of these ever-evolving ransomware threats.


To effectively tackle these constantly evolving challenges of cybersecurity, organizations need to adopt a holistic and agile approach. This involves maintaining a constant state of alertness, investing in state-of-the-art technology, providing comprehensive education and training, conducting regular security assessments, adhering to industry standards and regulations, developing well-defined incident response plans, and seamlessly integrating cybersecurity into their overall business strategy.

By implementing these proactive measures, organizations can fortify their defenses against the intricate and ever-changing landscape of cyber threats. With a holistic and agile approach to cybersecurity, organizations can effectively identify and mitigate risks, respond swiftly to incidents, and protect their valuable digital assets.

If you would like to discuss how GSI can help address any of your cybersecurity needs, you can contact us for a complimentary consultation with one of our cybersecurity experts.